Monday, March 03, 2008


Message from the MUA sent out by IW YRAW, 3.3.08:

The Divers at the NSW Government's desalination plant project have
decided to go on strike in protest of the fact that they are the only
workers on this site that are not covered by a union collective
agreement. To make matters worse the MUA delegate on site was just
recently sacked after raising safety concerns.

The employer Dive Construction Services (aka Dempsey Industries) have
refused to negotiate with the MUA for a collective agreement. This
company insists on utilising WorkChoices even after the Australian
people have overwhelmingly rejected this anti-worker set of IR laws.

Divers on site have determined that they must take a stand to stop the
continued erosion of diving wages and conditions. Diving is an extremely
dangerous occupation and the rates of pay and conditions for this work
(particularly at the desalination plant) are completely out of step with
community standards for work of this nature.

The Divers have established a picket line at the desalination plant site
at Port Botany.

It can be found on Friendship Rd. Port Botany at the Molineux Point end.
Look for the flags.

The picket will begin at around 7am Monday March 3rd.

Your assistance in supporting the divers is greatly appreciated.

We will send out more information as this struggle progresses.

In Unity

Warren Smith

Branch Secretary
MUA Sydney